
The IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism: A Four-Part, Critical Analysis
The first of a four-part analysis of the IHRA Working Definition of Anti-Semitism by scholars of the International Council on Middle East Studies (ICMES.net). Professor Louis Michael Seidman explains the legal ramifications of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.
Introduction by Prof. Norton Mezvinsky, President, ICMES. Post presentation comments by Prof. Don Wallace, Chairman of ICMES, and Tim Moynihan, Esq., Board of Directors, ICMES. Interview by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, Board of Directors, ICMES.
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro refutes the idea that anti-Zionism is related to anti-Semitism, debunks the arguments of its proponents, explains how to identify actual anti-Semitism, and provides a definition of anti-Semitism created by the scholars of ICMES.
Interview and introduction by Prof. Norton Mezvinsky, President, ICMES.
Prof. Ghada Karmi, Board of Directors of ICMES and a leading Palestinian spokesperson and activist, explains that the Palestinian cause and claims against Israel are not related to anti-Semitism, and the dangers inherent in adopting the IHRA definition. Interviewed by Prof. Norton Mezvinsky.
Professor Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, Israeli academic, explains why the IHRA definition fails, Israel's policies vis-a-vis Palestinians, and discusses a path forward to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Prof. Norton Mezvinsky, President of ICMES, discusses the conclusions of the ICMES 4-part webinar on the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro.