
PLEASE NOTE: The following publications present a diverse set of political, cultural and social views with implications for the Middle East.
The opinions expressed in the following publications are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Council for Middle East Studies.

Yaakov Shapiro Yaakov Shapiro

Religious Identities in Neo-Nationalisms. Judaism and Zionism: From a Religious to a Political Identity.

ABSTRACT: This article compellingly explores the pivotal role of Zionism, tracing its journey from the early religious motivations of Puritan Protestants to the emergence of both political and religious ideologies that catalyzed the establishment of a Jewish homeland. First, manifesting during the British Mandate in Palestine, this movement gained further momentum with the formation of the State of Israel, a crucial outcome of the UN Resolution 181. Moreover, the article examines the profound consequences of the 1967 War and the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, highlighting the varied responses from the United Nations. It delves into the foundational narratives of Israel, revealing a transformation from an ethnic identity to an ethno-religious nationalism, and underscores the significant role of Judaism in this evolution, along with its legal ramifications. Finally, this analysis confronts the pressing social and intellectual challenges that arise from post-Zionism, addresses critiques of the movement, and discusses the emergence and radicalization of neo-Zionism, making a strong case for understanding these complex, ambiguous, and paradoxical dynamics in today's context.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

Anti-Zionism: Analytical Reflections

This collection of essays challenges the conventional wisdom that Israel is a peace-loving democracy and the perception that the continuing state of Middle East hostilities is due to intransigent Palestinians and rigid hostility of Israel’s Arab neighbors.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel Arms and Why

This powerful story of intrigue and covert action reveals how Israel became the arms dealer and military trainer of last resort for everyone from Guatemala’s murderous military to Mobutu in Africa and the Shah of Iran.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

To Be an Arab in Israel

One of the few Palestinian-Israeli takes on the first ten years of the Israeli occupation. In this highly personalized account Fouzi El-Asmar tells the story of his life in Palestine.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

For Zion’s Sake: The Judeo-Christian Tradition in American Culture

This book by Fuad Sha’ban explores the role of religion, especially religious extremism, in American culture. In particular, it examines the development of the Judeo-Christian tradition, its impact on America’s self-image, and the way it has influenced America’s attitude to the Arab World.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

This is a new edition of a classic and highly controversial book by Israeli scholar and peace activist Israel Shahak and American scholar Norton Mezvinsky that examines the history and consequences of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

Islam Without Fear

For the last several decades an influential group of Egyptian scholars and public intellectuals has been having a profound effect in the Islamic world.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story

This compelling memoir relates Ghada Karmi’s childhood in Jerusalem, her family’s flight from Palestine to Syria then England after the 1948 Nakba, and coming of age in Golders Green, a largely Jewish, North London suburb.

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

The Empty Wagon

A comprehensive account and critical examination of the various Zionist schools of thought and their ideologies, The Empty Wagon provides a great deal of detailed information and novel analyses on the differences between Judaism and Zionism.

The book is divided into three sections: The first (214 pages) is a study of the traditional Orthodox understanding of Jewish identity, Eretz Yisroel (the land of Israel), war and pacifism, anti-Semitism, Messianic redemption, and other Judaic topics. The second section (446 pages)

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Simeon Goa Simeon Goa

Return: A Palestinian Memoir

Having grown up in Britain following her family’s exile from Palestine, doctor, author and ICMES Board member Ghada Karmi leaves her adoptive home in a quest to return to her homeland.

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